Sabtu, 26 November 2011

About Juvenile Delinquency

Definition of Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency is an act that violates the norms, rules or laws in a society that made ​​the transition in adolescence or childhood and adulthood.

While understanding juvenile delinquency Moedikdo According to Paul, SH is:

1. All acts of an adult is a crime for children is the mischief to be all that is prohibited by criminal law, such as stealing, torturing and so forth.
2. All deeds deviation from the norm of certain groups to cause trouble in the community.
3. All acts that demonstrate the need for social protection.

The factors causing juvenile delinquency.
- Reaction of frustrated self-
- Disturbances of thought and intelligence in adolescent self
- Lack of parental affection / family
- Lack of supervision from parents
- The negative impact of the development of modern technology
- The basics of religion are lacking.
- Absence of channeling media talent / hobby
- Problems that buried
- A broken home
- Effect of playmate
, etc.

Sample / The types of juvenile delinquency:
- Ditching school
- Speeding on the street
- Abuse of narcotics
- Premarital sexual behavior
- Fights between students
, etc.
Tips to prevent and address juvenile delinquency

- Parents should always give and show attention and affection to their children. Be comfortable place to vent their children so that the problem can be resolved soon.
- The need for a strong religious foundation instilled in children early on.
- Intensive Supervision parents against children. Included are the communication media such as television, radio, internet access, phone, etc..
- The need for subject matter in school guidance counseling.
- As a parent as much as possible support the hobby / gifted children who are positive. If there are funds, do not hesitate to facilitate their hobbies, so that we can teenagers avoid negative activities.
, etc.

That's what can I describe about juvenile delinquency, ranging from an understanding of juvenile delinquency, factors causing juvenile delinquency, Sample / The types of juvenile delinquency until Tips to prevent and cope with juvenile delinquency. Hope can be useful for readers. Inputs are very acceptable as a material improvement of this article, because there are probably a lot of shortcomings here and there.

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